2023 Miniature Calves
These are our past babies that have either stayed with us to become part of our family, or have moved to another family.
Lives in Missouri
Sex: Heifer
Born: January 3rd, 2023
Parents: Daisy (39 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature HighPark
Lives in Missouri
Sex: Heifer
Born: December 30th, 2022
Parents: Venus (38 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Longhorn/Highland
Sex: Heifer
Born: February 10th, 2023
Parents: Chanel (43 inches) & Uno (35 inches)
Breed: Miniature Longhorn
Birth Height: 20 inches
MMCC Waffles
North Carolina
Sex: Bull
Born: February 5th, 2023
Parents: Ruby (38 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn Cross
MMCC Rollo
Lives in Illinois
Sex: Bull💙
Born: April 29th, 2023
Parents: Layla (42 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Midsize Miniature Belted Galloway/Highland Cross
MMCC Sophia
Lives in Georgia
Sex: Heifer
Born: June 12th, 2023
Parents: Opal (39 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Mini Longland (Mini Highland Cross/Longhorn Cross)
Birth Height: 22 inches
MMCC Daisy
Lives in Ohio
Sex: Heifer
Born: June 22nd, 2023
Parents: Uno (35 inches) & Marge (36 inches)
Breed: Mini Western Heritage/Mini Longhorn Cross
Birth Height: 17 inches
MMCC Clara
Lives in Arkansas
Lives in Arkansas ❤️
Sex: Heifer
Born: July 14th, 2023
Parents: Pandi (42 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Panlande
Lives in Texas
Sex: Bull
Born: July 23rd, 2023
Parents: Aphrodite (43 inches) & Uno (35 inches)
Breed: Miniature Longhorn/Western Heritage Cross
MMCC Winston
Lives in Missouri
Sex: Bull
Born: August 18th, 2023
Parents: Oreo (44 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Midsize Miniature HighBelt
MMCC Walker
Lives in Ohio
Sex: Bull
Born: September 9th, 2023
Parents: Maple (43 inches) & Uno/Stitch (35/38 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highpark/or Miniature Highland/Western Heritage Cross
MMCC Felix
Lives in Tennessee
Sex: Bull
Born: September 23rd, 2023
Parents: Red (43 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature HighBelt
MMCC Tilly
Headed to Pennsylvania
Sex: Heifer
Born: July 24th, 2023
Parents: Panda (38 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn/Hereford Cross
MMCC Waylon
Lives in New York
Sex: Bull
Born: August 30th, 2023
Parents: Tubby (42 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature HighBelt
Lives in New York
Sex: Heifer
Born: October 1st, 2023
Parents: Alice (38 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland & Miniature Whitepark/Hereford Cross
MMCC Pumpkin
Lives in Ohio
Sex: Heifer
Born: October 31st, 2023
Parents: Daisy (39 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highpark
MMCC Maverick
Lives in Oklahoma
Sex: Bull
Born: November 10th, 2023
Parents: Puzzles (42 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn Cross
MMCC Ginger
Lives in Oklahoma
Sex: Heifer
Born: November 17th, 2023
Parents: Venus (38 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland & Miniature Longhorn Cross
Suspected +
Lives in Oklahoma
Sex: Heifer
Born: December 9th, 2023
Parents: Valentine (36 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland & Miniature Longhorn/Western Heritage Cross
Lives in Missouri
Sex: Bull
Born: November 22nd, 2023
Parents: Alaska (37 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Midsize Miniature Highland/Dexter Cross
MMCC Comet
Sex: Bull
Born: December 19th, 2023
Parents: Ruby (38 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn Cross
2022 Miniature Calves
These are our past babies that have either stayed with us to become part of our family, or have moved to another family.
MMCC Maddie
Lives in Georgia 🗺
Sex: Heifer❤️
Born: January 4th, 2022
Parents: Red (43 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Belted Galloway Cross
Birth Height: 24 inches
MMCC Morgan
Lives in Missouri
Sex: Heifer❤️
Born: January 11th, 2022
Parents: Tubby (42 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Belted Galloway Cross
Birth Height: 23 inches
Lives in Michigan
Sex: Bull
Born: January 24th, 2022
Parents: Alaska (37 inches) & Stitch (38 inches)
Breed: Miniature HighDex/Whitepark Cross
Birth Height: 21 inches
MMCC Aurora
Lives in Georgia
Sex: Heifer
Born: February 16th, 2022
Parents: Venus (38 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn Cross
Birth Height: 22 inches
Lives in Virginia
Sex: Heifer
Born: February 20th, 2022
Parents: Chanel (43 inches) & White Mini Highland Bull (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn Cross
Birth Height: 23 inches
Lives in Missouri
Sex: Bull
Born: March 15th, 2022
Parents: Marshmallow (42 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland
Birth Height: 24 inches
MMCC Whiskey
Lives in Arkansas
Sex: Bull
Born: March 25th, 2022
Parents: Ruby (38 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn Cross
Birth Height: 21 inches
Lives in Florida
Sex: Bull
Born: March 28th, 2022
Parents: Luna (42 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Lowline Cross
Birth Height: N/A
Lives in Florida
Sex: Bull💙
Born: April 7th, 2022
Parents: Bella (38 inches) & Unknown Sire
Breed: Miniature Whitepark/Western Heritage/Brahma?
Birth Height: 27 inches
Since we don’t know what dad is we cannot guarantee anything that is why we are auctioning him off💙
MMCC Firecracker
Lives in Alabama
Sex: Bull💙
Born: May 25th, 2022
Parents: Zoey (40 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Lowline
Birth Height: 23 inches
Since we don’t know what dad is we cannot guarantee anything that is why we are auctioning him off💙
Lives in Georgia
Sex: Heifer
Born: June 23rd, 2022
Parents: Layla (42 inches) & 2 Possible Sires: Arrakis (39 inches) or a 36 inch Belted Galloway Bull
Breed: Miniature Belted Galloway Cross
Birth Height: N/A
Lives in Missouri
Sex: Bull
Born: July 12th, 2022
Parents: Dexter (38 inches) & Mini Longhorn (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Dexter/Mini Longhorn Cross
Birth Height: N/A
MMCC Captain
Lives in Georgia
Sex: Bull
Born: July 17th, 2022
Parents: Valentine (36 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn Cross
Birth Height: 18 inches
Sex: Bull
Born: August 12th, 2022
Parents: Leah (40 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Belted Galloway/Hereford Cross
Birth Height: 23 inches
MMCC Petunia
Lives in Georgia
Sex: Heifer
Born: June 23rd, 2022
Parents: Pandi (42 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Belted Galloway/Highland/Hereford Cross
Birth Height: N/A
Lives in Missouri
Sex: Bull💙
Born: September 14th, 2022
Parents: Oreo (44 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Belted Galloway Cross
Birth Height: 27 inches
Lives in Arkansas
Sex: Heifer
Born: September 10th, 2022
Parents: Aphrodite (43 inches) & Mini Zebu/Belted Galloway Cross (41 inches)
Breed: Miniature Longhorn,Belted Galloway & Zebu Cross
Birth Height: 25 inches
MMCC Diesel
Lives in Tennessee
Sex: Bull
Born: August 29th, 2022
Parents: Callie (42 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature HighBelt
Birth Height: 22 inches
Lives in Illinois
Sex: Bull
Born: September 20th, 2022
Parents: Panda (39 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn Cross
Birth Height: 24 inches
Lives in Ohio
Sex: Bull
Born: October 28th, 2022
Parents: Tubby (42 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature HighBelt
Birth Height: 23 inches
MMCC Sugar
Lives in Ohio
Sex: Heifer
Born: October 15th, 2022
Parents: Puzzles (40 inches) & Stitch (38 inches)
Breed: Miniature Longhorn/Whitepark
Birth Height: 23 inches
MMCC Laramie
Lives in Texas
Sex: Heifer
Born: August 29th, 2022
Parents: Red (43 inches) & Arrakis (39 inches)
Breed: Miniature HighBelt/Highland
Birth Height: 24 inches
MMCC Holly
Lives in North Carolina
Sex: Heifer
Born: November 18th, 2022
Parents: Alaska (37 inches) & Stitch (38 inches)
Breed: Miniature HighDex/Whitepark
Birth Height: 21 inches
2021 Miniature Calves
These are our past babies that have either stayed with us to become part of our family, or have moved to another family.
MMCC Pebbles
Lives in Oklahoma
Born: February 21st, 2021
Parents: Pandi (42 in) & Arrakis (39 in)
Breed: Miniature Panlander
Cross Birth Height: 24 inches
MMCC Cooper
Lives in North Carolina
Born: February 24th, 2021
Parents: Panda (39 in) & Arrakis (39 in)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn Cross
Birth Height: 21 inches
Lives in Alabama
Born: March 4th, 2021
Parents: Red (43 in) & Arrakis (39 in)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Belted Galloway Cross
Birth Height: 27 inches
Lives in Ohio
Born: March 2nd, 2021
Parents: Daisy (38 in) & Mini Lowline (44 in)
Breed: Miniature Whitepark/Lowline Cross
Birth Height: 18 1/2 inches
MMCC Frank
Lives in New York
Born: March 15th, 2021
Parents: Tubby (42 in) & Arrakis (39 in)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Belted Galloway Cross
Birth Height: 25 inches
MMCC Shadow
Lives in Wisconsin
Born: April 27th, 2021
Parents: Luna (42 in) & Arrakis (39 in)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Lowline Cross
Birth Height: 25 inches
Lives in North Carolina
Born: May 3rd, 2021
Parents: Zoey (40 in) & Mini Hereford (40 in)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Dexter/Hereford Cross
Birth Height: 24 inches
MMCC Bella
Lives in Maryland
Born: May 13th, 2021
Parents: Ruby (38 in) & Arrakis (39 in)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn Cross
Birth Height: 23 inches
MMCC Fireball
Lives in Ohio
Born: May 24th, 2021
Parents: Valentin (36 in) & Arrakis (39 in)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Longhorn Cross
Birth Height: 23 inches
Lives in Texas
Born: September 2nd, 2021
Parents: Elle May (41 in) & Arrakis (39 in)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Whitepark Cross
Birth Height: 21 inches
Lives in Kentucky
Born: October 7th, 2021
Parents: Leah (40 in) & Mini Belted Galloway Bull (36 in)
Breed: Miniature Hereford/Belted Galloway Cross
Birth Height: 24 inches
MMCC Darla
Not for Sale
Born: October 11th, 2021
Parents: Callie (42 in) & Arrakis (39 in)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Belted Galloway Cross
Birth Height: 19 inches
Lives in Iowa
Born: October 12th, 2021
Parents: Oreo (44 in) & Arrakis (39 in)
Breed: Miniature Highland/Belted Galloway Cross
Birth Height: 27 inches
MMCC Annabelle
Lives in Missouri
Born: December 20th, 2021
Parents: Puzzles (40 in) & Stitch (38 in)
Breed: Miniature Longhorn/Whitepark Cross
Birth Height: 24 inches
2020 Miniature Calves
These are our past babies that have either stayed with us to become part of our family, or have moved to another family.
Miniature Highland/Dexter Cross Heifer Alaska was born in January of 2020, and she stayed with all of us here at MMCC.
Red Miniature Belted Galloway/Zebu Cross Heifer
Lives in Missouri
Black and White Miniature Whitepark Heifer
Lives in Oklahoma
Black and White Miniature Longhorn Bull
Lives in Missouri
Black and White Miniature Longhorn Bull
Lives in Texas
Red and White Miniature Longhorn Bull
Lives in Florida
Dark Red Miniature Belted Galloway/Highland/Longhorn Cross Heifer
Lives in Ohio
Black and White Miniature Longhorn Heifer
Lives in Missouri
Dun Miniature Lowline Cross Bull
Lives in Florida
Black and White Miniature Belted Galloway/Longhorn Heifer
Lives in Texas
Black and White Miniature Belted Galloway/Longhorn Cross Heifer
Lives in Louisiana
Black and White Miniature Belted Galloway Bull
Lives in Wisconsin
2019 Miniature Calves
These are our past babies that have either stayed with us to become part of our family, or have moved to another family.
Miniature Longhorn Heifer
Puzzles was born April 28th, 2019, and she stayed with all of us here at MMCC.
Miniature Belted Galloway Heifer
S'more was born November 30th, 2018, and she stayed with all of us here at MMCC.
Miniature Red Highland/Belted Galloway Cross Heifer
Micro Miniature Longhorn/Lowline Cross Heifer
Miniature Longhorn/Lowline Cross Bull
Miniature Belted Galloway/Zebu Cross Bull
Miniature Longhorn/Lowline Cross Heifer